Vacuum Tube HF Welders

Rendered Obsolete and economically unviable by the evolution of Solid State Welding Technology, Vacuum Tube Welders today are nearing extinction and have a highly diminished population.

Having stated the above, the contribution of Vacuum Tube HF Welders must not be forgotten in revolutionizing the ERW Tube Industry.

Unitherm still enjoys the distinction of having been the largest manufacturer of HF Induction Welders based on vacuum tube (Triode Valve) technology, for over two decades. 

Our Vacuum Tube welders have remained most popular with buyers, which makes Unitherm the highest selling brand in India.

Having performed more than 500 installations of Vacuum Tube Welders in India and abroad, we have immense expertise in this technology.

Drawing inspiration from this, we now cater to the needs of the ERW Tube Making Industry with our range of Solid State HF Welders.

We still maintain an inventory of spare parts and consumables for Vacuum Tube Welders.

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